
dApp Store Registry

MerokuDAO dApp Store Registry is self explanatory name. It contains the dApp Store registry and a helper class to search, filter & list dApps

Adding your dApp to registry

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Update the file registry.json to add your dApp. The schema is described in merokuDappStore.registrySchema.json.
  3. Create a PR
  4. After PR is approved and merged, your dApp will be listed in the Meroku dApp Store.



Install using NPM as npm install @merokudao/dapp-store-registry or using YARN as yarn add @merokudao/dapp-store-registry



// Import
import { DappStoreRegistry } from "@merokudao/dapp-store-registry";

// Instantiate a registry.
const registry = new DappStoreRegistry();
await registry.init();

// Find all the dApps
const dApps = await registry.dApps();

// Search dApps with query string "nft"
const dAppsResult = registry.search("nft");

Detailed docs can be viewed at https://merokudao.github.io/dapp-store-registry/.

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